Over the last trimester, I have learned quite a bit. I have gone from having knowledge of Python 5 years ago to being more comfortable with the language, creating popups, working on background design with HTML, fetching APIs to get information, knowing how to use iterations and algorithms, and creating/using my own procedures. This has not only grown the amount of things I’ve learned but at the same time helped make my coding more efficient.

As for growth, I plan to work on the student teaching lessons (Procedures, Iteration, Libraries, etc) to maximize my understanding of them as I need more than going over them once. Learn to communicate with my team better in order to be more efficient and get better results out of our work. Start committing more often, and document the changes I make in my work regularly (through issues, team tickets, and plans)

Assignment Pseudocode Python
a ← expression a ← expression a = expression
Equal Operator a = b a == b
Not Equal Operator a ≠ b a != b
Iteration REPEAT n TIMES for i in range(n):
Conditional Iteration REPEAT UNTIL (condition) while condition:
List indexing list[1] is first item list[0] is first item
Lists pslist ← [C,S,P] pylist = [“S”, “S”, “P”]
Printing DISPLAY(CSP IS FUN!) print(“CSP IS FUN!”)
Assigning lists psList ← pyList psList == pyList
List Iteration FOR EACH item IN pslist { } for i in list:
Printing DISPLAY(CSP IS FUN!) print(“CSP IS FUN!”)
Modulo a MOD b a % b
Procedure PROCEDURE psProcedure(parame def pyProcedure(arg1, arg2, …)
ter1, parameter2, …) {
Put procedure here
Put procedure here }    

PSEUDO CODE vs PYTHON EXAMPLES Psuedo area calculator: PROCEDURE psProcedure calculateRectangleArea(length, width): area = length * width RETURN area Python area calculator: def pyProcedure (length, width): area = length * width return area

NUMBER SUMMATION: Psuedo Code: Display(Enter a number to sum up till: ) Input n sum = 0 For i from 1 to n sum = sum + i End For Display sum Stop

Python Code: N = int(input(“Enter a number to sum up till: “)) sum = 0

for i in range(1, N + 1): sum = sum + i
