Week 3 Plan
- Get Response to Feedback, make sure to get Teacher or Peer reviews.
- Plan what my partner and I want to say during out live review.
- Tell my partner what I plan to say during the live review.
- Finish out the “Connect 4” game in python to complete the Python and interaction in VSCode. - - Unlike the TicTacToe game, add a computer player and erase the board on the console everytime so it looks like it always updates.
- For the “Web interaction in JavaScript” work with partner to use an API to do a search engine. - Work on a youtube search engine that you can search on your website for and click to see the videos you want.
- Build a review ticket for week 3.
- Practice Pair Showcase, try to finish within 3 minutes.
- Explain different types of hacks and what they mean.