Basic Comands used in Ubuntu Shell

  • $ mkdir vscode: Creates a new directory named “vscode.”
  • $ cd vscode: Changes the current directory to the “vscode” directory.
  • $ git clone Clones a Git repository from the specified URL into the current directory.
  • $ ~/vscode/teacher/scripts/ Executes the “” script located in the “teacher/scripts” directory.
  • $ head -30 ~/vscode/teacher/scripts/ Displays the first 30 lines of the “” script.
  • $ cd teacher: Changes the current directory to the “teacher” directory.
  • $ bundle install: Installs Ruby gem dependencies specified in the project’s Gemfile.
  • $ bundle exec jekyll serve: Executes the Jekyll static site generator to serve the website locally. Explanation: These commands are used to set up a development environment, clone a Git repository, activate necessary scripts, install dependencies, and serve a local website using Jekyll.