#prints the options: Add, Subtract, Multiply, and Divide
print("1 = Add")
print("2 = Subtract")
print("3 = Multiply")
print("4 = Divide")
#Asks you what operation you want to do.
choice = int(input("Choose (1,2,3,4): "))
while choice not in [1, 2, 3, 4]:
#if you dont choose any, then it will ask you to choose again. 
    print("Invalid choice. Please choose a number from 1 to 4.")
    choice = int(input("Choose (1,2,3,4): "))
#It will ask you for two numbers, and then based off of what you chose, it will do the operation. 
if choice == 1:
    num1 = float(input("What's your first number? "))
    num2 = float(input("What's your second number? "))
    print(num1 + num2)  
elif choice == 2:
    num1 = float(input("What's your first number? "))
    num2 = float(input("What's your second number? "))
    print(num1 - num2)  
elif choice == 3:
    num1 = float(input("What's your first number? "))
    num2 = float(input("What's your second number? "))
    print(num1 * num2)  
elif choice == 4:
    num1 = float(input("What's your first number? "))
    num2 = float(input("What's your second number? "))
    if num2 == 0: 
        print("Error: Cannot divide by zero")
        print(num1 / num2)
1 = Add
2 = Subtract
3 = Multiply
4 = Divide