This is my blog for my final CSP project that I plan to show at night at the mueseum. Since we just finished out the AP CSP exam, I wanted ot challenge my understanding and use as many as possible in one code!

I am not a huge minecraft fan, but I know the game has an inventory and sorting feature, so I thought this would be a perfect theme.

I will do 2d iteration through generating a 2D array representing the game grid with rows rows and cols columns, and then randomly select items from a list of items. I want to to do a similar algorithimic loop for rendering the grid, with functions that use nested for loops to iterate over the rows and columns of the grid.

In order to sort inventory, I plan to use a sorting function, to check the starting letter of each word, and sort it based on that, and have a descending version with the list flipped.

This si currently what I have in mind, I might add more later.